

美国电视剧Garcia Season 1 又名 :Set in an imaginary modern-day Spain, a divided country on the brink of political chaos, its main character is Antonia (played by Velilla), a young investigative journalist who, by chance, stumbles upon a conspiracy that was cooked up decades ago: she learns of the existence of a cryogenically frozen super-agent, García (Ortiz), who was created in a laboratory in the 1950s by Franco’s secret services. He’s a perfect soldier with superhuman strength, programmed to obey orders without ever questioning them, and the woman has just woken him up after six decades on ice. However, García feels disorientated and confused in a Spain he discovers has changed completely. The old world clashes with the new, while they both learn to work together when they become embroiled in a political conspiracy that threatens to bring democracy tumbling down in favour of a new dictatorship.

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