








现代都市人生活节奏太快,娱乐方式多样,读书越来越成为一种奢侈。《开卷八分钟》是凤凰卫视日播读书节目,快播在线观看《开卷八分钟2014》由著名学者梁文道先生主持,节目每天用短短的8分钟时间介绍一本书,希望让观众用最简利的方式碰触到书籍的精髓,进入一个又一个迥异又奇妙的书中世界。 梁文道先生见解独到,思维清晰,之前长期担任著名文人谈话节目《锵锵三人行》的嘉宾,与窦文涛和徐子东并称为凤凰卫视的“言论铁三角”。 《开卷八分钟》就像是为梁文道先生量身定做,每天一本书,展现了他知识的渊博和视野的广阔。 节目在书的选择方面是多样化的,包括文学,历史,科学,财经,商业,宗教,人物传记等等。可以说是各个领域,无所不及。 英文剧情 Fast-paced modern city life, diverse entertainment, reading is increasingly becoming a luxury. "Unwinding eight minutes" is a reading program broadcast Phoenix Day, Nora watch online "open-book eight minutes 2014" hosted by the famous scholar Mr. Liang Wendao program daily with just eight minutes to introduce a book, I hope the audience with the most simple Lee"s way to touch the essence of the book, but also a very different turn into a wonderful world of books. Mr. Liang Wendao insightful, clear thinking, before the famous scholar longtime talk show "Qiang Qiang" guests, and Dou Wentao and 徐子东 and called the Phoenix, "remarks iron triangle." "Unwinding eight minutes" as is Mr. Liang Wendao tailored to a book a day, demonstrated his profound knowledge and broad vision. Program in the selection of the book are diverse, including literature, history, science, finance, business, religion, biographies and more. Can be said in all fields, nothing less.Program in the selection of the book are diverse, including literature, history, science, finance, business, religion, biographies and more. Can be said in all fields, nothing less. 2014-02-28 21:30:55