


Set in New York City, Black and White features several losely related stories centering on a pair of documentary filmmakers, Sam and her husband Terry, in following a group of caucasian teens, Raven, Charlie, Will, Marty, Wren and others who try to fit in with Harlem\'s black hip-hop crowd who include gangster rapper Rich Bower and his music partner Cigar in landing a recording gig, as well as college basketball player Dean who is conflicted on taking a fall on a game for shady gambler Mark Clear who has hidden agenda for Dean and Rich.

本站提供黑与白电影完整版在线观看免费和手机mp4下载地址,可支持黑与白百度云盘网盘、西瓜影音、吉吉影音等高清播放器。 2015-12-15 11:28:37