

主演:Gabriela Marcinkova 劳里·卡尔弗特







Steve, a former snowboarding star, ekes out a humiliating existence as an unnoticed freestyle entertainer in a run-down ski resort. When he finally decides to quit his job and move on to find his fortune elsewhere, Steve is tempted with an unexpected offer: to relive the glory days of his fame in a team of former extreme sports stars - which has been his dream for years. Steve has to decide whether to move on with his girlfriend or relive his old dreams without her. He tries to work it out, but the events soon overtake him. The owner of the ski resort, in an attempt to produce artificial snow at higher temperatures, unleashes an environmental disaster, turning the visiting tourists into a horde of bloodthirsty, folk music-loving après ski zombies! Soon the zombie hordes have overrun the resort and there is only one way out: Steve has to defeat the zombies using his skills as a freestyle snowboarder. The greatest stunt of his life could save them all...

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