








A little girl called Ana went to buy some bread. In addition to her shopping basket, she also took an umbrella as it was raining. But the wind lifted the umbrella into the air, taking Ana with it. The Firebrigade came out to save the little girl but all their efforts were in vain. The umbrella, together with Ana and her shopping basket just kept flying further and further. Some pilots who tried to catch this strange flying object from a Helicopter were also unsuccessful. However, it all ended happily. The wind died down and the umbrella with the little girl hanging on, slowly came to rest in the same place from which it had taken off. Ana closed her umbrella, went to the baker\'s, bought some bread, put it in her shopping basket and went home.
Aleksandar Marks and Vladimire Jutrisa are best known for such bizarre films as Nightmare and The Fly. But they also collaborated on children\'s films, and this is one of their best. In it, Anna takes a ride on her umbrella on her way to buy a loaf of bread.

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