








Love and desire fill the minds of villagers in a Hungarian speaking village in Transylvania, Romania, even in their old age. Time has stood still here, and although most of the village\'s inhabitants are elderly, they are refreshingly young at heart. Feri, for example, is an incurable romantic. Way past his 80th year, he\'s still making moves on the village\'s 25 widows - although he claims that only two or three of them are really worth the effort. And the women speak plainly when sharing their most intimate thoughts and dreams to the camera. Their tragicomic tales prove the ancient game of love and romance is still being played in this remote village, with its aura of bygone days.
An elderly woman rolls meatballs in cabbage leaves as she recalls her wedding night, which came to an abrupt halt when her groom sank through the rickety bed - before anything could happen. Towards the end of the film, we see the women rolling sideways down a hill, slightly hindered by their round bosoms. They are young once more.

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